Your path to success!

The wondrous world of careers, passions, and personal quests awaits from the moment you enroll in class at Governors State University, and our Career Services Office is available to help you navigate every path that leads to Destination Success!

Our assignment is to walk you through an exciting journey to discover a place of professional and personal fulfillment, satisfaction, and contribution. Along the way, our career counselors will partner with you to identify interests and talents that parlay into academic majors and lifelong pursuits. Near the end of your academic journey, our team will walk you through the entire job search process, helping you craft a dynamic resume, identify valuable internships, and cultivate sure fire interview skills that wow hiring managers.

Our 4- Year Career Compass takes you from the classroom to the boardroom with a customized step-by-step process designed to keep you on track from freshman through senior year.

Stop by the Office of Career Services and work with our team to chart your very own course to stellar universe of success!

Darcie Campos

Executive Director of Career Services



Jobs for Jaguars Powered by Handshake

Jobs for Jaguars Powered by Handshake

Handshake is the #1 way college students find jobs. Join today to explore career options, find jobs and internships for students, and connect with employers.

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Vault provides organization profiles, salary searches, industry outlooks and trends in employment. Guides to interviewing, writing resumes and cover letters, and more are available for download.

The Washington Center Internship Program

The Washington Center Internship Program

Undergraduate and graduate students seeking unique and challenging opportunities in our nation’s capital can connect with the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC).  Contact liaison Darcie Campos at for more information.

Jaguars, are you looking for career options or opportunities? Visit O*NET Online (no password required) to learn more. Human Resources professionals are welcome, too and information also is available in Spanish.

Parker Dewey

Parker Dewey

Governors State University has a Micro-Internship webpage, in connection with Parker Dewey to provide you with short-term, project-based work for current students and recent grads. Micro-Internships make it easier than ever to gain professional experience, earn a paycheck, cultivate valuable career skills.For more information contact a career counselor at

What Can I Do With This Major?

What Can I Do With This Major?

 Finally, a convenient website that helps you connect classroom projects with career tracks. Go to What Can I do With This Major and select the major that interests you to discover common industries and employers, as well as prevailing trends and strategies.