
At 十大电子游艺注册立大学 there’s a good chance you’ll meet classmates who look a lot like you–or completely different. The diversity of our 学习ing community is one of the things that makes us stand out–everybody fits in here. 我们的多样性只是GSU改变生活的原因之一. We have programs that honor our diversity–and they’re just waiting for you to get involved in–special events, 研讨会, 会议及组织. 无论你选择哪一个, each recognizes the ethnic and cultural diversity of the campus as a community strength.


Let's celebrate diversity with our observance of history and heritage months. 在每个指定月份, 十大电子游艺注册立大学 features a variety of programs and events highlighting the 文化, traditions and 贡献 to society which these groups have made. During these months we host a variety of special events - you are bound to find one (or more) that you won't want to miss.




Black History Month serves as a dedicated time to honor and celebrate the 成就, 贡献, 以及非裔美国人在历史上的韧性. The month-long celebration originated from the efforts of historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent figures who advocated for the recognition of Black history in American society.

黑人历史月通常包括各种活动, 教育项目, 以及突出斗争的文化活动, 胜利, 以及非裔美国人社区的文化丰富性. 它提供了一个反思的机会, 教育, and dialogue on the ongoing journey toward racial equality and social justice.


妇女历史月纪念这些贡献, 成就, and struggles of women throughout history and in contemporary society. 这是一个反思的时刻, 教育, 倡导性别平等和妇女权利, highlighting the accomplishments of women in various fields and promoting awareness of the challenges they have faced and overcome. Women's History Month serves as a platform to inspire future generations to pursue gender equity and celebrate the 成就 of women in all aspects of life.


Arab American Heritage Month recognizes and celebrates the 贡献, 文化, 以及阿拉伯裔美国人的历史. 这提供了一个提高认识的机会, 促进理解, and promote appreciation for the rich cultural traditions and 成就 of Arab Americans across various fields, 包括艺术, 文学, 科学, 业务, 和政治. Arab American Heritage Month also serves as a platform to address issues facing the Arab American community and to promote dialogue and inclusivity.



十大电子游艺注册立大学's collaboration with United Way's April Food Day is a vital initiative addressing food insecurity among students. The annual event brings attention to this pressing issue and provides essential resources to our students. This partnership signifies the university's commitment to supporting its student body holistically, recognizing that food insecurity can profoundly impact academic performance and overall well-being. The one day event not only raises awareness and provides much needed resources, 但也让围绕粮食不安全的讨论去污名化, 鼓励学生毫不犹豫地寻求支持. This collaborative effort underscores the power of collective action in addressing complex social challenges, 为所有人建立一个更具包容性和支持性的社区.


在亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民(AAPI)遗产月期间, 这所大学以丰富多样的文化为荣, 历史, and 贡献 of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to our university community and society at large. 十大电子游艺注册立大学 acknowledges and celebrates the students, 教师, 以及分享这一传统的员工, 营造一个包容的环境,让他们的声音得到重视, 他们的经历被颂扬. 通过各种各样的事件, 教育项目, 文化活动, 我们的目标是提高人们的意识, 促进理解, and celebrate the 成就 of AAPI individuals and communities. Join us in commemorating AAPI Heritage Month as we celebrate the past, 现在, and future of Asian American and Pacific Islander 文化s and experiences.


欢迎周 at our university is not just about returning to campus—it's an invitation to dive into civic engagement and intercultural 教育. 在我们欢聚一堂开启新学年之际, 欢迎周 offers a unique platform to explore 服务的机会 and embrace diversity. 通过学生组织 万花筒, where students can join forces to support the university food pantry, we not only welcome each other back but also strengthen our commitment to making a positive impact in our community. 这是一个交流的时间, 学习, 一起行动起来, embodying the spirit of unity and service that defines our university experience.


9月15日至10月15日, immerse yourself in a diverse range of events designed to promote civic engagement, 服务的机会, 文化欣赏. 加入我们的深入讨论, 社区服务计划, and engaging activities that showcase the diversity and resilience of Hispanic heritage, 包括墨西哥的捐款, 波多黎各, 古巴, 多米尼加, 以及中美洲和南美洲的少数民族. Let's come together to honor, celebrate, and engage with the vibrant mosaic of Hispanic 文化.


LGBTQ+ Awareness Month is a significant time of recognition and celebration at 十大电子游艺注册立大学. 整个月 we come together to honor the diversity and resilience of lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 以及其他边缘化群体. 在GSU, we are committed to fostering an inclusive campus 文化 where all identities are embraced and celebrated. 在LGBTQ+意识月期间, 我们组织了一系列活动, 讨论, 以及促进理解的举措, 提高认识, 倡导LGBTQ+的权利和平等. Join us as we affirm our commitment to creating a campus community that values and supports every individual, 无论性取向或性别认同如何.


Join 十大电子游艺注册立大学 in observing Hunger and 首页lessness Awareness Month throughout November. This month serves as a time to 提高认识 about the critical issues of hunger and homelessness affecting individuals and families in our community and beyond. As a university committed to social responsibility and community engagement, we recognize the importance of addressing these pressing challenges. 整个月, 我们将举办各种活动, 服务的机会, and 教育al initiatives to shed light on the root causes of hunger and homelessness, 同时也强调了我们可以做出改变的方式. 让我们一起来支持那些需要帮助的人.