
General Education Requirements:
Program Core Courses: 12 hours
Program General Selective Courses:
Program Concentration Selective Courses: 27 hours



Study For Your BS in 信息技术 Near Chicago

与一个 Bachelor of Science in 信息技术 from 十大电子游艺注册立大学, a Cisco Networking Academy located just 40 minutes from Chicago, IL, 你将被装备去建造, 维护, protect information systems. 在我们的节目中, 学生通过接触诸如虚拟化软件之类的组件来发展实践经验, 微软服务器2016年和2019年, Linux操作系统, 思科交换机和路由器, 和pfSense防火墙.. 课堂外的研讨会为学生提供行业领先的认证, allowing them to prepare for key industry certification examinations.

IT students work closely with related programs in 计算机科学, 刑事司法, Management Information Systems, allowing you to tailor your degree to your career 利益.

Why Study 信息技术?

There are many areas of study, so why choose information technology? 以下是一些原因:


预计未来十年,计算机和IT行业的就业人数将增长11%. This growth is much faster than the average for all occupations. (美国劳工统计局). 这在很大程度上是由于云计算和虚拟化利用率的增加, 大数据需求, 有持续需求的信息安全毕业生准备进入私营部门, 政府, or nonprofit sectors or pursue graduate studies.


大多数行业都有某种IT系统,这意味着他们需要有人来管理它. 有这么多职位空缺, 公司以丰厚的薪酬和优厚的福利来争夺顶尖人才. 计算机和信息技术职业的年薪中位数为 $91,250 in May 2020 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


信息技术学位不仅能让你成为一名计算机专家,还能帮助你支持你工作的组织. Whether your employer is a non-profit or a corporation, 它需要一个可靠的基础设施来处理他们的数据和安全需求.. 没有一个运行良好的网络,效率就会下降,生产力直线下降,士气也会受到影响. No matter which IT role you take on, 你知道你是你工作的公司的重要组成部分——这取决于你的职位, operations may even screech to a halt without you.

Pursue New Career Opportunities

信息技术是一个极好的领域,它提供了相当多的灵活性.. 一旦进入行业, there are many opportunities for professional development, including on-the-job training and mentorships. 你甚至可以通过优化系统和引入更有效的程序来开拓新的途径.


The IT sector is constantly growing; most industries rely on networks to some degree, which means they rely on IT professionals. 即使一个行业过时了,随着新领域的发展,肯定会有另外三个行业取而代之. 专家们一致认为,未来对信息技术专业人员的需求很大, even if the economy takes a downturn or an unprecedented crisis strikes.


因为IT行业有很多机会,你几乎可以在任何地方工作. If you love the Windy City as much as we do, you can find a role with one of the many firms based here in Chicago, IL. 或者,如果有必要,你也可以出差到不同的办公室去提供支持. You can even go international and see what it’s like overseas. 当然, some jobs even allow you the flexibility of working remotely, which means you can literally work from anywhere.


A Bachelor of Science in information technology can get you into the field, but you’re never really done learning. With technology changing at an incredible pace, it’s essential you keep up. If you love to learn and especially enjoy technological innovation, then an IT career is the perfect option.

工作 & Salaries You Can Get 与一个n 信息技术 Degree

当你考虑你的未来, 你应该考虑一下拥有信息技术学士学位能找到什么样的工作. IT offers lifelong career paths with new routes as technology advances, so remember that where you start isn’t necessarily where you’ll end up. 这个领域有足够的多样性来找到一个适合你的优势和点燃你的激情的角色, 而且高薪让你可以根据自己的兴趣而不是必要性来选择职业.


如今的企业都明白信息是一种无价的资源,并乐于在存储方面进行投资, 安全, organization of said information. 数据库管理员保持信息系统的更新,防止未经授权的访问. 在这个职位上,个人的努力会得到很好的报酬,就像工资的中位数一样 $98,860.


计算机系统分析师的收入很好,平均工资为100万美元 $93,730. Demand is expected to grow for this position, as it offers incredible value to companies no matter their industry.

Like other analysts, individuals in this role are focused on optimization. 他们负责确定哪些系统可以更有效,并制定策略来实现这一目标.


计算机网络架构师是收入最高的IT专业人员之一,平均工资为 $116,780. Experts predict rapid growth for this role, 这意味着你可以期待未来几年更大的需求和补偿.

So what exactly do computer network architects do? They’re responsible for designing and building communication networks:

  • 内部网
  • 广域网
  • 局域网


如果你喜欢和人一起工作,那么计算机支持专家可能是一个完美的角色. 换句话说,这个职位的个人为其他部门提供建议和解决问题, 他们是“技术支持”.”

A typical day involves taking calls, 回答电子邮件, even in-person visits to inspect and replace hardware. The median salary is slightly lower than others on this list at $55,510但该行业预计将在不久的将来出现爆炸式增长,这可能会推高工资水平.


随着我们对有线和无线网络的持续依赖,保护我们的数据的持续挑战一直很高. 因此,信息安全分析师的就业预计将增长31%. 分析师需要创造创新的解决方案,以阻止潜在的攻击者获取专业和个人数据. The median annual salary for an information 安全 analysis is $103,590.  For more information about 网络安全 curriculum, visit the 网络安全 页面.

Network and Computer System Administrators

这种职业道路既适用于物理计算机,也适用于运行在物理计算机上的软件. 能够在物理上管理企业的基础设施的同时维护其中央服务器系统是该职位的重点. 与一个 median annual salary of $84.这是一个不断增加的职位,各组织都需要这个职位. 


十大电子游艺注册立大学 offers a wide range of degrees, including undergraduate and graduate programs. 我们位于伊利诺伊州大学公园的校园是各种学生组织和社区努力的所在地. 我们致力于为学生提供财务和学术服务,以及指导和以职业为重点的项目. To learn more about us, give us a call at 708-534-5000 or 在线十大电子游艺注册.

与一个 Bachelor of Science in 信息技术 from Governors State, a Cisco Academy institution, you will be equipped to build, 维护, protect information systems. 在这个项目中,学生们通过接触诸如 VMware virtualization software, 微软服务器2012和2016, 思科数据包跟踪器, physical 思科交换机和路由器, pfSense防火墙, 和思科 NetAcad. Workshops are also offered to students in CompTIA A+, 安全+, 和网络+, allowing them to prepare for key industry certification examinations.

在大四的时候, IT学生与当地企业配对,通过实际项目获得经验. IT students also work closely with related programs in 计算机科学, 刑事司法, Management Information Systems, allowing you to tailor your degree to your career 利益.    

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十大电子游艺注册立大学's partnership with 特里同大学 提供转学生无缝过渡到他们的本科课程的最后一个学期. Learn more about our university partnership with the video below:




你可以找到 complete guide to graduation requirements for your degree 在我们的目录中.


< b >项目教员< / b >

我们有利的师生比例确保了我们的许多个人关注 敬业的教职员工.



If you are ready to take the next step, you can  create an account and apply here,或者简单地说  要求更多的 information about the programs of your choice.



我们的 学费估计量 helps you calculate your cost of attendance. 我们的 财政援助办事处 is dedicated to helping you find ways to fund your education.


< / b > < b >奖学金

在GSU, many scholarships are available and can make your education even more affordable!



我们提供 many options for undergraduate degrees and minors甚至还有一些五年制的硕士学位课程!


学生生活< b > < / b >

Student Clubs and Organizations at 十大电子游艺注册立大学 enrich your educational experience, 让您获得和磨练适用于课堂和生活以外的技能. Click here to explore additional student resources.


< b >校园住宅< / b >

Prairie Place, our on-campus housing提供了许多选择,以适应我们不同学生群体的需求.