
General Education Requirements: 37 hours
Required Courses: 15 hours

Full Program Requirements


Solving complex, real-world problems begins with the ability to work collaboratively and think across multiple disciplines. 州长的 Bachelor of 艺术s in Interdisciplinary Studies facilitates the development of skills in multimodal thinking, expanding beyond discipline-specific methodologies while developing knowledge of subject matter relevant to specific fields and problems.



的 IDSS program offers transfer and adult students a customizable degree plan, which can be completed between three different program tracks. Students can pick the best track option for their schedule:

Interdisciplinary Studies

Take courses in any format you choose. Online, on-campus, or hybrid.

截止日期: Done on rolling admission basis


Interdisciplinary Studies Accelerated Degree Completion*

*必须有 90学时 completed for this track.

Take a combination of on-campus, hybrid, online courses that are only 7.5周.

截止日期: 8月1日


Interdisciplinary Studies Online

Choose only online courses to earn your degree.

截止日期: Done on rolling admission basis



第一学期: 学习 the foundational skills and knowledge required to become a disciplinary insider while learning interdisciplinary problem-solving methods. 也, remember to enroll in our new Career Planning and Decision Making course, which acts as an entry point into the program that helps students identify their marketable strength and investigate possible career options.

第二学期: 开发 skills further through hands-on application, including research, group projects, an optional internship.

第三学期: 合成 knowledge through the IDSS capstone experience, in which students conceive, complete, articulate their work in a final, cumulative project.

达到 你的职业目标

的 IDSS program emphasizes career exploration and encourages you to apply for an internship within your area of interest. 的 IDSS degree prepares you to enter a wide range of fields, including business, health, technology, the natural and social sciences or to pursue 研究生的研究.

之前 学习评估

Credit for the IDSS program can be obtained through alternate modes of education, such as through military training, competency 考试,如 College Level Examination Program (CLEP), 之前的学习 Assessment credit (PLA) which automatically transfers American Council on Education (ACE) credits or allows students to build a portfolio to demonstrate prior learning course equivalency.



IDSS Program Coordinator



<b>Full Program Requirements</b>

Full Program Requirements

你可以找到 complete guide to graduation requirements for your degree 在我们的目录中.


< b >项目教员< / b >

我们的 favorable faculty-student ratios ensure lots of individual attention from our dedicated faculty members.



If you are ready to take the next step, you can create an account and apply here,或者简单地说 request more information about the programs of your choice.



我们的 学费估计量 helps you calculate your cost of attendance. 我们的 财政援助办事处 is dedicated to helping you find ways to fund your education.


< / b > < b >奖学金

在GSU, many scholarships are available and can make your education even more affordable!



我们提供 many options for undergraduate degrees and minors, even several 5-year programs that lead to completion of a Masters degree as well!


学生生活< b > < / b >

Student Clubs and Organizations at Governors State University enrich your educational experience, allowing you to gain and hone skills applicable to the classroom and life beyond. Click here to explore additional student resources.



Prairie Place, our on-campus housing, provides many options to accommodate the needs of our diverse student population.



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