
General Education Requirements:
Required Courses: 63 hours
Upper-Division Applications Selectives:

Full Program Requirements

Study for your BS in 生物学 near Chicago

Interested in a career in the sciences? Whether advancing to medical school or looking for a career in a laboratory, 州立州长大学的生物学学位为你提供了所需的第一步. Explore the reasons to study biology, how our programs are interconnected in a global scientific community, what you can do to reach your career goals.


From the smallest molecules to the relationships within ecosystems, 生物学研究我们体内和周围的世界,以解决一些生命中最伟大的问题. With a Bachelor of 科学 in 生物学 from Governors State, 学生们准备解决医疗保健和气候变化等领域的热点问题. 校园生物野外站为陆地和水生生态学的研究提供了一个独特的位置,独特地位于城市的交叉点, 郊区, 农村地区, 而学生可以在新装修的健康中心使用最先进的设备, 科学, Technology to study life’s smallest organisms, down to the level of DNA.

生物学学士学位最大的优势之一是它为你提供了灵活性. 如果你对帮助别人充满热情,想要寻找一种方法来扩展你的科学知识, there are a generous number of career options available. From a local high school classroom to a global epidemiology laboratory, your new workspace can be virtually anywhere with a career in biology.

Launch a career studying DNA, 研究野生动物, or providing essential medical services to your local community. 生物学 is the study of all types of living organisms and their environment. 这项研究可以促进现实世界中科学、技术和健康的进步. 它还可以为你提供广泛的技能和知识,以参与全球社区.

生物学 affects many areas of life. By understanding the building blocks of life, you can not only move forward in a medical or research career, but you can also gain a deeper understanding of the factors that create life. 这些基本概念可以帮助你批判性地参与当今世界.


Systems and Communities

GovState的生物学学士学位让您对各个分支学科有了广泛的了解. 这些分支学科各自形成各自的社区和相互作用的系统. 探索这些领域,点燃你的激情,并考虑一个你希望专攻的学科:

  • 动物学
  • 细胞生物学
  • 生态
  • 遗传学
  • 生物化学
  • 匿名
  • 植物学

These are only a few sub-disciplines available in biology. 当你学习普通生物学课程时,你可以开始根据自己的兴趣来定制课程. Take additional classes in one or more of these areas of interest, 或者保留你的理学学士学位,让你有更多的选择.

Just as ecosystems are interconnected, GovState的生物学项目认识到外展在大学的功能中发挥着重要作用, from local to international levels. 教师和学生协调社区活动,如一年一度的STEAM夏令营和大学活动,以及当地学校频繁的STEM活动, 以及每月在当地餐馆向公众开放的科学酒吧讨论.



As a GovState 生物学 student, you will have access to our on-campus field station to study, 环境科学, 生态, 野生动物, 和更多的!

Reach Your Career Goals

A general biology foundation gives you a broad scope of the field, 而专业课程可以帮助你在特定领域磨练你的技能和知识. 利用你的选修课程,根据你最感兴趣的课程类型和你的职业目标来个性化你的课程.

Make your passion your career. 从GovState获得生物学学士学位,为你的职业生涯提供一系列惊人的可能性. Some careers require advanced degrees, 而另一些则允许你作为实验室助理或其他关键角色立即进入劳动力市场.

Many biology courses at GovState include a laboratory section. Hands-on experience is crucial in many biology careers. 开展研究项目,并通过生物、化学等方面的实际测试来学习.

你的学位课程不仅仅是十大电子游艺注册技术技能和生物信息. 作为GovState的学生,你将讨论当今世界面临的一些关键问题. Discuss global climate change, GMO农业, 基因工程, other subjects that have a practical impact on current events.

与训练有素的教授和顾问一起规划你在十大电子游艺注册立大学的课程. Located just south of Chicago, GovState has the professional connections, 小班授课, field programs necessary to help you achieve your dreams. 其他学校的班级规模很大,这使得你很难与教授建立联系, 但我们为希望接受该领域专家个人培训的学生提供指导机会.

作为一名生物系学生, you are encouraged to focus your studies in your area of interest, tailoring your degree plan to your career ambitions. Job growth of 10% is anticipated over the next decade in the life, 物理, social science occupations, 生物学专业的新生可以选择健康与生命科学方向, 旨在为学生在竞争激烈的卫生领域进行必要的研究生水平学习做好准备的途径.

工作 & Salaries You Can Get With a Degree in 生物学

A BS in biology is only the first step to an exciting career. 以你的学位, 您可以进入高级学位课程或开始以下工作之一的职业生涯:


  • 生物技术人员
  • Agricultural Food Scientist
  • 流行病学家
  • 医学科学家
  • Doctor or other Medical Professional
  • 动物学家
  • 生物化学家

The average salary of a 生物化学家, 动物学家 医学科学家, or  healthcare professional 差别很大. 根据你的工作地点、教育水平和培训情况,你的薪水可能在 $35,000 又一遍 $200,000. 工作 are available in the for-profit, nonprofit, government sectors.

Higher salaries are typically reserved for careers in the medical field. Receive a medical degree to complete your training as a physician, 外科医生, or pharmacist and earn a competitive salary. 与当地社区密切合作,或者进入一个研究环境,在那里你可以从事最前沿的技术和科学工作.



探索经济援助和其他资源,帮助你实现你的梦想,从十大电子游艺注册立大学生物学学士学位. Entering a STEM career is an essential service, 所以你可能会找到额外的资金和资源来帮助你在学习上取得成功.

一些生物学的学生继续攻读生物学博士学位,并以生物学教授的身份享受自己的职业生涯. 拥有生物学学位可以实现许多职业目标,所以今天就十大电子游艺注册吧. 适用于今天 来看看你是否符合这个令人兴奋的项目的入学要求. Shape your future in Chicago’s Southland with a small, tight-knit community of expert professionals and talented students.

Honors-eligible freshmen majoring in 生物学 may elect to 遵循健康和生命科学途径,这是一条为学生准备的路线 进行必要的研究生水平的学习,以达到健康竞争的要求 字段.


<b>Full Program Requirements</b>

Full Program Requirements

你可以找到 complete guide to graduation requirements for your degree 在我们的目录中.



我们有利的师生比例确保了我们的许多个人关注 dedicated faculty members.



If you are ready to take the next step, you can create an account and apply here,或者简单地说 要求更多的 information about the programs of your choice.

<b>Cost and 金融援助</b>

Cost and 金融援助

我们的 学费估计量 helps you calculate your cost of attendance. 我们的 财政援助办事处 is dedicated to helping you find ways to fund your education.


< / b > < b >奖学金

在GSU, many scholarships are available and can make your education even more affordable!



我们提供 many options for undergraduate degrees and minors甚至还有一些五年制的硕士学位课程!


学生生活< b > < / b >

Student Clubs and Organizations at Governors State University enrich your educational experience, 让您获得和磨练适用于课堂和生活以外的技能. Click here to explore additional student resources.



Prairie Place, our on-campus housing提供了许多选择,以适应我们不同学生群体的需求.



If you have been wondering, "Where is Governors State University?" 了解更多 about our campus, 得到方向 to 来参观我们吧 或者拿一个 虚拟之旅!