



培养下一代科学家, 医生, 护士, 以及其他具有生物学教学学位的医学和研究专业人员. 在十大电子游艺注册立大学, 你可以接受培训, 知识, 还有成为一名生物老师所需要的认证. 探索实验室体验, 课堂讨论, 以及作为GSU学生将获得的教师指导.


生物学 和 other science teachers help encourage another generation of scientists 和 研究人员. 在初中和高中课堂上促进对STEM领域的兴趣. 如果你喜欢教导年轻人,并希望与老年人一起工作, 更有经验的学生, 获得硕士学位,为未来的大学生教授生物学. Continuing your education is a great way to keep up with current research 和 provide your students with even more resources in the sciences.

美国教育部, 过去的六年里, 指出了全国科学教师的短缺, 包括生物老师. 资料来源:“指定教师短缺地区”,伊利诺伊州教育委员会

Don’t let this shortage limit children's’ access to a quality education in the sciences. Work with passionate educators in Chicago’s Southl和 to gain the tools 和 知识 necessary to work with students. 一些学生可能会犹豫是否要学习更多的生物学知识, 但你可以帮助他们爱上这个至关重要的领域.

在任何课堂环境中创造一个学习的环境. 与不愿意学习的学生一起学习, 害羞的学生, or bright pupils to pass on your 知识 of 和 excitement about the sciences. 一些生物老师可以专注于一个特定的分支学科, 而其他人则被聘为通才,教授生物学的基础知识, 化学, 还有高中的物理课.


作为GSU生物专业的学生, 你会遇到自然世界, 破译它的密码, 理解它的复杂性. 作为一个学生的教育, you also learn how to teach valuable skills 和 underst和ing to the next generation of scientists, 研究人员, 有环保意识的公民.

获得在现实世界中与学生一起工作所需的课堂技能. Manage classes, lead discussions, design a curriculum that inspires 和 empowers young learners. Your biology teacher degree program helps you prepare for the professional teaching examination program in Illinois.

教师培训的一部分是学生教学的机会. This puts you in an actual classroom 和 helps you put your 知识 of teaching strategies 和 classroom management to practice. This gives you the confidence you need to work with students in middle 和 high school environments in Chicago 和 throughout Illinois.

怎样才能成为一名好老师? Your Bachelor of Science program also covers teaching theories 和 principles of teaching science in a classroom setting. Explore various theories of learning, classroom management, curriculum-building practice. Hone these essential skills before stepping foot in a classroom or taking the Teacher Performance Assessment.

Don’t wait until you’re hired as a teacher to practice st和ing up in front of a classroom full of students, but receive the practical experience 和 theoretical 知识 necessary to excel as a biology teacher.

你还需要对你的学科领域有一个深入的掌握. A degree program in biology education trains you to be a teacher without compromising on your quality biology education. Learn more about general biology, microbiology, physics, zoology, botany, ecology, anatomy, more. You’ll have the opportunity to focus on your preferred specialty with elective courses, but a program at GSU offers you the broad subject 知识 you need to confidently teach 和 answer questions about biology in a classroom setting.



The curriculum for the undergraduate major in biology with a teacher education concentration provides you with a strong background in the basic concepts of molecular, 机体, 以及种群生物学.

The sequence of coursework is approved by the Illinois State Board of Education 和 leads to an initial secondary certificate in biology. 你也可以获得在中学教书的背书.

To be recommended for an Illinois State Board of Education teaching certificate, you must present evidence of having passed the Test of Academic Proficiency (formerly Basic Skills), Subject Matter Knowledge 和 Assessment of Professional Teaching examinations of the Illinois Certification Testing System.

A teaching license approved by the Illinois State Board of Education certifies you to teach in classrooms in Chicago 和 the rest of the state. Find out if your teaching certificate has reciprocity to other states or learn about the steps needed to obtain a certificate in another state to launch a teaching career around the nation.


工作 & 拥有生物教师教育学位的薪水

因为这个职业的需求量很大, 你可以找到很多职位,你的学位让你有资格教书. 你是否在中学谋求职位, 大学, 或者研究环境, here is the average salary per year data post-secondary teachers 和 high school teachers, 根据劳工统计局的记录:

  • 高中理科教师: $61,660
  • 学院或大学教授: $97,560
  • 科研教师: $167,510
  • 中专教师: $61,180

这些数字是全国专业人士的平均工资. Work with your advisor 和 mentors at GSU to learn more about your career prospects 和 find the right steps to take to launch your dream career. Connect with extracurricular opportunities at our small campus that may not be available at a larger one. GSU offers a tight-knit community where you can get to know your professors 和 they can help you take the right steps in your career.

这不仅仅是薪水的问题. Many high school science teachers will tell you that the thrills of education are what it’s all about. If you wish to give back to your community 和 inspire young people just like you were inspired by a cherished teacher, then you’ll likely find many open positions as a high school biology teacher in your area. A shortage of science teachers means that this field is a great place to look for a secure career.



请参阅 中学教育学生手册 和 中等教育课程包括生物、化学、英语和数学 查看更多信息.


看看生物学学士学位是否适合你.马上申请  和 learn more about admissions requirements for a biology teacher education degree. Discover financial aid opportunities 和 scholarships that help you take the next step in your career at 十大电子游艺注册立大学.

马上申请 请求的信息





你可以找到 你的学位毕业要求的完整指南 在我们的目录中.


< b >项目教员< / b >

我们的 favorable faculty-student ratios ensure lots of individual attention from our 敬业的教职员工.



如果你准备好迈出下一步,你就可以  创建一个帐户并在这里申请,或者简单地说  要求更多的 有关您选择的课程的信息.



我们的 学费估计量 帮你计算出勤费用. 我们的 财政援助办事处 致力于帮助你找到资助你的教育的方法.


< / b > < b >奖学金

在GSU, 有很多奖学金可以申请 还能让你的教育负担得起!



我们提供 本科学位和辅修学位有很多选择, even several 5-year programs that lead to completion of a Masters degree as well!


学生生活< b > < / b >

学生社团及组织 丰富你的教育经历, allowing you to gain 和 hone skills applicable to the classroom 和 life beyond. 点击此处查看更多学生资源.


< b >校园住宅< / b >

Prairie Place,我们的校内宿舍, provides many options to accommodate the needs of our diverse student population.