The Center for Teaching and 学习 (CTL) collaborates with faculty to create conditions in which all faculty become active participants in their scholarly work and teaching endeavors. CTL provides opportunities for faculty to share and further develop goals and interests.


Our faculty resources are specifically tailored to assist GSU staff in effectively navigating 黑板上 and online teaching. These resource are designed to enhance instructional opportunities.

Man in Web Conference

Teaching and Pedagogical 资源

The Center for Teaching and 学习 (CTL) highlighted pedagogical resources are provided to assist faculty with facilitating courses in a variety of instruction modalities.

Quality Matters

The QM Course Review Process is a faculty-driven, peer review process that emphasizes continuous quality improvement of courses. The official QM reviewers experience review a course from a student perspective and provide feedback based on the Quality Matters Standards.

学生 raising hand in class

水印 Assessment 资源

Assessment can be of student work against standards rubrics for student accreditation and licensure, or also for department accreditation. Assessment can also be for faculty reviews for promotion and tenure, as well as for strategic planning reporting across departments on campus.

学生 资源

Our student resources are designed to aid new and returning GSU students as they navigate 黑板上 and other educational resources.

CTL新闻 & 事件

Stay informed with the latest CTL news and events, register for CTL workshops, and access news and workshop archives.

Online 课程

CTL is dedicated to presenting tools, 技术, and ideas for successful teaching, scholarship and service 在GSU.

Scholarship Activities

In addition to more than 120 online classes each semester, Governors State University offers online degrees at the Bachelor, 主, and Doctoral level.


Please view the GSU Center for Teaching and 学习's frequently asked questions. We may not be the department who supports all the topics provided, but we provide links to the appropriate information.


Please contact our support desk with any questions or concerns regarding your online courses.