
通识教育要求:37 - 41学时



十大电子游艺注册立大学 is focused on preparing all students to be successful in the real world. 通过深入的研究, those looking to obtain an 英语 teacher education degree can acquire the 英语 teaching industry’s skills and knowledge. 我们不仅为学生提供技能和知识, but we equip them with the confidence to excel in any career they find themselves in after graduation. 你是否打算成为一名高中英语老师, 私人英语教师, 或者继续攻读研究生课程,这样你就可以在大学里教书了, 我们随时准备帮助您实现梦想.


作为一个打算教别人英语的人, 你需要明白这项研究的重要性. 事实上,你所做的不仅仅是教别人一门语言. 最有可能的, your students will already be fluent in 英语 but looking for a more in-depth vision of what the 英语 language holds. 你可以专注于剧本创作, 诗歌, 说话, 写作, 阅读, 以及十大电子游艺注册英语的各种其他细节. As your students learn literacy, you will shape the futures of many in the next generation.


对文化的认识和欣赏, 社会政治的, individual identity are fostered through the study of 英语 literature and rhetoric. 除了发展书面沟通的技能, organization and analysis; Governors State Bachelor of 艺术s in 英语 leverages the study of literature to seek insight and understanding into the diversity of the human experience and to meet controversy and challenge in appropriate, 实用, 智力上令人满意的方式.  


对出版感兴趣的GSU学生可以成为rebuild的一员, 这所大学完全由学生制作的文学和视觉艺术杂志. The journal is published annually and features creative 写作 and visual arts submitted by GSU students and alumni.


有英语学位, 你可以在各种各样的领域寻找工作, 包括写作, 编辑, 出版, 公共关系, 仅举几个例子.

如果你想在中学教英语, you may pursue the certificate in 英语 education (24 credit hours) after completing your bachelor’s degree coursework. Many graduates also go on to pursue graduate study and teach at the college level. 


十大电子游艺注册立大学, the undergraduate major in 英语 with a teacher education concentration prepares you to teach 21st-century literacy on the secondary level with the opportunity to obtain a middle grades endorsement. A strong academic background in 英语 literature and composition and the methods of teaching the 英语 content will prepare you for a meaningful career shaping the lives of the next generation of learners.

Teacher education at GSU is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation and approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. It has also been nationally recognized by the National Council of Teachers of 英语.

To be recommended for an Illinois State Board of Education teaching license, 你必须出示通过科目知识考试的证明. You must complete a student teaching requirement in 英语 and must meet other requirements for certification through approved programs in the Teacher Education and Certification section of the GSU catalog.

What Are Some Examples of Salaries and Jobs You Can Get With an 英语 Teacher Education Degree?

You can get a lot of jobs with an 英语 teacher education degree in Chicago, IL. 尽管有些可能比其他的更明显, there's a diverse list when you really take the time to discover your options. 这些工作包括:

  • 中学英语教师 -用我们的老师教育, you can obtain a middle grades endorsement to teach those in middle school and older. 你的工作将包括教授文学, 阅读, 写作, 诗歌, 以及其他各种与英语相关的话题. 目前,中学英语教师的平均工资是46677美元.
  • 自主学习顾问 - Whether you focus on transitioning homeschool students to public school classrooms or helping moms teach their kids at home to provide their children with a comprehensive 课程, 家庭教育咨询可能适合你. 一些家庭教育顾问每年的收入高达6.4万美元.
  • 课程设计 -在你的英语教师项目期间, you will learn how to design effective 课程s for the grades you'll end up teaching in. 你可以更进一步成为一名课程设计师. 一些课程设计工作确实要求你有研究生学位, 所以你可能需要额外的教育. 课程设计师的平均年薪约为62,000美元.
  • 作者 -获得英语教师教育文学学士学位后, you'll be prepared to teach others in a greater audience as the author of a novel, 教学材料, 课程, 指南书, 还有很多其他的文本. Your education will prepare you to portray your message so that others will understand and be entertained. 作家的平均年薪为61240美元.
  • 教育研究人员 - With a deeper knowledge of the world of education, you will be better equipped to research it. Your background in 英语 will prepare you to write research papers about your work. Educational researchers often look at how education is playing out in the world today to learn how to better implement policies that will help children succeed. 教育研究人员的平均年薪在10万美元以上.
  • 成人教育工作者 -美国许多成年人没有受过教育或教育程度很低. Some do not understand the 英语 language and will hire a tutor or adult educator to prepare themselves for a brighter future. As an adult educator, you might work in a community setting, or individual homes. 你可以在监狱系统或移民支持服务机构工作. 作为一名成人教育工作者,你每年可以赚大约51,000美元.


当你攻读英语教师教育学士学位时, 你们正在为改善下一代的未来而努力. Your success as a student in this program is essential to the impact you're going to have on the lives of many others. Studying at 十大电子游艺注册立大学 sets you up to find success with a stimulating experience that focuses on innovation, 责任, 和多样性. 我们的核心价值观使我们成为全球顶尖大学之一. 例如:

  • 我们向员工示范, 社区成员, students how to celebrate diversity while focusing on the differing opinions of those around us.
  • We serve the citizens in our great community with an awareness that everyone plays a part in it.
  • 我们为学生的未来投资, helping each one realize the personal and 专业 goals that will make them succeed.
  • We provide a first-class education to every student that walks through our doors.
  • 我们培养学生担任高级领导职务, 改变他们周围的世界.
  • 我们促进每个学生的成长, 推动他们履行所有公民义务, 专业, 文化, 个人责任.


十大电子游艺注册立大学, 我们有一个多元化的校园,致力于在芝加哥学习, IL. With a BA in 英语 teacher education, you become part of what makes our community so great. 今日透过电邮联络我们: 708-534-5000这样我们就可以谈谈十大电子游艺注册的事情,以及怎样才能让你被录取.

请求的信息   马上申请  



你可以找到 你的学位毕业要求的完整指南 在我们的目录中.


< b >项目教员< / b >

我们的 favorable faculty-student ratios ensure lots of individual attention from our 敬业的教职员工.



如果你准备好迈出下一步,你就可以 创建一个帐户并在这里申请,或者简单地说 要求更多的 有关您选择的课程的信息.



我们的 学费估计量 帮你计算出勤费用. 我们的 财政援助办事处 致力于帮助你找到资助你的教育的方法.


< / b > < b >奖学金

在GSU, 有很多奖学金可以申请 还能让你的教育负担得起!



我们提供 本科学位和辅修学位有很多选择, even several 5-year programs that lead to completion of a Masters degree as well!


学生生活< b > < / b >

学生社团及组织 丰富你的教育经历, allowing you to gain and hone skills applicable to the classroom and life beyond. 点击此处查看更多学生资源.


< b >校园住宅< / b >

Prairie Place,我们的校内宿舍, provides many options to accommodate the needs of our diverse student population.